Acclaimed Austrian artist André Heller is reviving a centuries-old tradition of hosting house concerts in his large apartment in a quaint living room in Vienna's inner city. This documentary series presents a wide variety of national and international artists, introducing the musicians and their work and then accompanying them during the rehearsal process and the performance itself.
The series is now in its third season and continues to amaze audiences with its high production values, creativity, virtuosity and state-of-the-art technology. Each episode is an intimate, stand-alone documentary that is part of a greater whole.
The first season featured the renowned opera singers Günther Groissböck and Camilla Nylund, who performed traditional wine tavern songs as well as Richard Strauss chansons and modern pop music. Season two was opened by the celebrated pianist Rudolf Buchbinder, who was followed by the brilliant violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja and the intercontinental, genre-busting Manchester Collective ensemble featuring Abel Selaocoe. A particular highlight of this season was André Heller's return to the musical stage after 40 years, accompanied by notable artists including Ernst Molden, Robert Rotifer, Ursula Strauss, Voodoo Jürgens and Der Nino aus Wien.
The documentary series is a co-production of ORF III and Interspot Film, and is funded by the Austrian Television Fund, the Vienna Film Fund and Lower Austria.
Part 1: Günther Groissböck
Part 2: Camilla Nylund
Part 3: Rudolf Buchbinder
Part 4: Andre Heller mit Nino aus Wien, Uschis Strauß, Ernst Molden etc.
Part 5: Patricia Kopatchinskaja
Part 6. Manchester Collective (not aired yet)
Part 7: Hubert von Goisern
Part 8: Andrea Eckert (not aired yet)
Original Concept and Screenplay:
André Heller
Written and Directed by:
Robert Neumüller
Producers Interspot Film:
Ingrid Klingohr
Nikolaus Klingohr
Executive Producer Interspot Film:
Martin Demmerer
Production Management:
Clemens Wollein
Commissioning Editor ORF:
Lisa Jeitler
Executive Producer ORF:
Peter Schöber
Production: 2020-2022
Completion Season 3: 2022
TV Premiere: 26.10.2020
Original Concept and Screenplay:
André Heller
Written and Directed by:
Robert Neumüller
Producers Interspot Film:
Ingrid Klingohr
Nikolaus Klingohr
Executive Producer Interspot Film:
Martin Demmerer
Production Management:
Clemens Wollein
Commissioning Editor ORF:
Lisa Jeitler
Executive Producer ORF:
Peter Schöber
Production: 2020-2022
Completion Season 3: 2022
TV Premiere: 26.10.2020
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