The 60-minute infotainment program is produced live daily from Monday to Friday by Interspot Film.
Broadcast: Monday to Friday (weekdays) - 17.30 - 18.30 - ORF2 - LIVE
For further information please visit:
Nils Klingohr & Nikolaus Klingohr
Andi Baumgarten
Ron Michel
Tom Schreiweis
Production Manager Interspot Film:
Andreas Fink
Editors in Chief:
Andreas Kothbauer
Tom Uher
Marion Schmid
Production ORF:
Richard Kopeinig
Birgit Meissl-Schielin
Nils Klingohr & Nikolaus Klingohr
Andi Baumgarten
Ron Michel
Tom Schreiweis
Production Manager Interspot Film:
Andreas Fink
Editors in Chief:
Andreas Kothbauer
Tom Uher
Marion Schmid
Production ORF:
Richard Kopeinig
Birgit Meissl-Schielin
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